Python Coding Rules

Python basics


Kunal Khurana


December 6, 2023


C-style formatting strings in Python (4 errors)

  • reversing order gives traceback
  • difficult to read the code
  • using same value multiple times in tuple (repeat it in the right side)
  • dictionary formats

Write helper functions instead of complex expressions

  • Use if/else conditional to reduce visual noise
  • Moreover, if/else expression provides a more readable alternative over the boolean or/and in expressions.

Prefer Unpacking Over Indexing

  • use special syntax to unpack multiple values and keys in a single statement.

Prefer enumerate Over range

  • range (built-in funciton) is useful for loops
  • prefer enumerate instead of looping over a range
# example of enumeration with list- 
flavor_list = ['vanilla', 'chocolate', 'pecan', 'strawberry']
for flavor in flavor_list:
    print(f'{flavor} is delicious')
vanilla is delicious
chocolate is delicious
pecan is delicious
strawberry is delicious

Use zip to process Iterators in parallel

names = ['Kunal', 'Xives', 'pricila']
counts = [len(n) for n in names]
[5, 5, 7]
# iterating over lenght of lists
longest_name = None
max_count = 0

for i in range(len(names)):
    count = counts[i]
    if count > max_count:
        longest_name = names[i]
        max_count = count
# we see that the above code is a bit noisy. 
# to imporve it, we'll use the enumerate method

for i, name in enumerate(names):
    count = counts[i]
    if count > max_count:
        longest_name = name
        max_count = count
# to improve it further, we'll use the inbuilt zip function

for name, count in zip(names, counts):
    if count > max_count:
        longest_name = name
        max_count = count

# zip's behavior is different if counts are not updated

for name, count in zip(names, counts):
# so, be careful when using iterators of different lenght. 

# consider using zip_longest function from itertools instead

import itertools
for name, count in itertools.zip_longest (names, counts):
    print (f'{name}: {count}')
Kunal: 5
Xives: 5
pricila: 7
Rosy: None

Avoid ‘else’ Blocks After ‘for’ and ‘while’ Loops

# for loops first

for i in range(3):
    print('Loop', i)
    print('Else block!')
Loop 0
Loop 1
Loop 2
Else block!
# using break in the code

for i in range(3):
    print('Loop', i)
    if i == 1:
    print('Else block!')
Loop 0
Loop 1
# else runs immediately if looped over an empty sequence

for x in []:
    print('Never runs')
    print('For else block!')
For else block!
# else also runs when while loops are initially false
while False:
    print('Never runs')
    print('While else block!')
While else block!
## finding coprimes (having common divisor i.e. 1)

a = 11
b = 9

for i in range(2, min(a, b) + 1):
    print ('Testing', i)
    if a% i == 0 and b%i == 0:
        print('Not coprime')
Testing 2
Testing 3
Testing 4
Testing 5
Testing 6
Testing 7
Testing 8
Testing 9

Prevent repetition with assignment Expressions such as ‘warlus operator’

# Without the walrus operator
even_numbers_without_walrus = []
count = 0
while count < 5:
    number = count * 2
    if number % 2 == 0:
        count += 1

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
# With the walrus operator
even_numbers_with_walrus = []
count = 0
while count < 5:
    if (number := count * 2) % 2 == 0:
        count += 1

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

Lists and dictionaries

Know how to slice sequneces

#somelist [start:end]
a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
print ('Middle two: ', a[2:4])
Middle two:  ['c', 'd']

Avoid striding and slicing in a single expression

b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
odds = b[::2]
evens = b[1::2]
[1, 3, 5]
[2, 4, 6]
# stride syntax that can introduce bugs ; Avoid
c = b'rouge'
d = c[::-1]

x = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
print(x[2::2])     # ['c', 'e', 'g']
print(x[-2::-2])   # ['g', 'e', 'c', 'a']
print(x[-2:2:-2])  # ['g', 'e']  #[start: stop : step]
print(x[2:2:-2])   # []
['c', 'e', 'g']
['g', 'e', 'c', 'a']
['g', 'e']

Perfect Catch-‘All Unpacking Over Slicing’

  • Unpacking - extracting individual elements from a sequence (like a list or tuple) and assigning them to variables.
  • Slicing - selecting a subset of elements from a sequence.
# Example sequence
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# Using slicing to get a portion of the sequence
subset = numbers[2:8]

# Using unpacking to assign values to variables
first, *middle, last = subset   # *used for extended unpacking

# Print the results
print("Subset:", subset)
print("First element:", first)
print("Middle elements:", middle)
print("Last element:", last)
Subset: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
First element: 3
Middle elements: [4, 5, 6, 7]
Last element: 8

Sort by Complex Criteria using the ‘key’ parameter

  • sort method works for all built-in types (strings, floats, etc.), but it doesn’t work for the classes, including a repr method for instance.
class Tool:
    def __init__(self, name, weight): = name
        self.weight = weight

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Tool({}, {self.weight})'

# Example usage of the Tool class
tools = [
    Tool('level', 3.5),
    Tool('hammer', 1.25),
    Tool('screwdriver', 0.5),
    Tool('chisel', 0.25),

# tools.sort()   #this will give us a traceback
# Display the unsorted list of tools
for tool in tools:

# Sort the tools based on their names
tools.sort(key=lambda x:

# Display the sorted list of tools
for tool in tools:
Tool(level, 3.5)
Tool(hammer, 1.25)
Tool(screwdriver, 0.5)
Tool(chisel, 0.25)

Tool(chisel, 0.25)
Tool(hammer, 1.25)
Tool(level, 3.5)
Tool(screwdriver, 0.5)

Dictionaries : insertion ordering, dict types, dict values

# cutest baby animal

votes = {
    'otter': 1281,
    'polar bear': 587,
    'fox': 863,

# save the rank to an empty dictionary
def populate_ranks(votes, ranks):  #takes votes and ranks dictionary
    names = list(votes.keys())
    names.sort(key=votes.get, reverse=True)
    for i, name in enumerate(names, 1):
        ranks[name] = i
# function that returs the animal with hightest rank
def get_winner(ranks):
    return next(iter(ranks))

# results
ranks = {}
populate_ranks(votes, ranks)
winner = get_winner(ranks)
{'otter': 1, 'fox': 2, 'polar bear': 3}

Prefer ‘get’ Over ‘in’ and ‘KeyError’ to handle missing dictionary keys

  • accessing and assigning
  • for maintaining dictionaries, consider Counter class from the collections built-in module
  • setdefault is another shortened method other than get method, but readability is not clear. so, avoid it

example 1

bread = {
    '14grain': 4,
    'multigrain' : 2

#1) 'in' method
key = 'wheat'

if key in bread:
    count = bread[key]
    count = 0

bread[key] = count + 1  #incrementing the count by 1 for 'wheat' key

#2) ‘KeyError’ method key = ‘wheat’

try: count = bread[key] except KeyError: count = 0

bread[key] = count + 1

#3) 'get' method - best one (shortest and clearest)

key = 'oats'

count = bread.get(key,0)
bread[key] = count + 1
{'14grain': 4, 'multigrain': 2, 'wheat': 2, 'oats': 1}

example 2

# more complex dictionary, to know who voted for which type of bread

votes = {
    '14grain' : ['Bob', 'Ashley', 'Suzan', 'Susan'],
    'multigrain' : ['Dikshita', 'Kavya'],
    'wheat' : ['Bhavna', 'Shristi'],
    'oats' : ['Nikumbh']

key = 'kinoa' 
who = 'Raph'

if key in votes: 
    names = votes[key]
    votes[key] = names = []
print (votes)
{'14grain': ['Bob', 'Ashley', 'Suzan', 'Susan'], 'multigrain': ['Dikshita', 'Kavya'], 'wheat': ['Bhavna', 'Shristi'], 'oats': ['Nikumbh'], 'kinoa': ['Raph']}
# try except

    names = votes[key]
except KeyError:
    votes[key] = names =[]

{'14grain': ['Bob', 'Ashley', 'Suzan', 'Susan'], 'multigrain': ['Dikshita', 'Kavya'], 'wheat': ['Bhavna', 'Shristi'], 'oats': ['Nikumbh'], 'kinoa': ['Raph', 'Raph', 'Raph']}
# get method
names = votes.get(key)
if names is None:
    votes[key] = names = []

{'14grain': ['Bob', 'Ashley', 'Suzan', 'Susan'], 'multigrain': ['Dikshita', 'Kavya'], 'wheat': ['Bhavna', 'Shristi'], 'oats': ['Nikumbh', 'Raph', 'Raph', 'Raph', 'Raph'], 'kinoa': ['Raph', 'Raph', 'Raph']}
# prevent repetition
if (names := votes.get(key)) is None:
    votes[key] = names = []

{'14grain': ['Bob', 'Ashley', 'Suzan', 'Susan'], 'multigrain': ['Dikshita', 'Kavya'], 'wheat': ['Bhavna', 'Shristi'], 'oats': ['Nikumbh', 'Raph', 'Raph', 'Raph', 'Raph', 'Raph', 'Raph'], 'kinoa': ['Raph', 'Raph', 'Raph']}

Prefer ‘defaultdict’ Over ‘Setdefault’ to handle missing items

# list of countires and cities visited
visits = {
    'India' : {'Punjab', 'Rajastan', 'Goa', 'Himachal Pardesh', 'Haryana'},
    'UAE' : {'Dubai'},
    'Nepal' : {'Kathmandu'},
    'Canada' : {'Québec', 'Ontario'},

# using setdefalut method to add to the list (method 1)

visits.setdefault('France', set()).add('Remi')  #short

if (japan := visits.get('Japan')) is None:      #long
    visits['Japan'] = japan = set()

{'India': {'Rajastan', 'Haryana', 'Punjab', 'Himachal Pardesh', 'Goa'}, 'UAE': {'Dubai'}, 'Nepal': {'Kathmandu'}, 'Canada': {'Ontario', 'Québec'}, 'France': {'Remi'}, 'Japan': {'Kyoto'}}
# how about i create a class then add places

from collections import defaultdict

class Visits:
    def __init__(self): = defaultdict(set)

    def add(self, country, city):[country].add(city)

visits = Visits()
visits.add('England', 'Bath')
visits.add('England', 'London')
defaultdict(<class 'set'>, {'England': {'Bath', 'London'}})


Never Unpack more than 3 variables when fucntions return multiple vaues

# Function returning multiple values
def get_person_details():
    name = "John"
    age = 30
    city = "Montréal"
    gender = "Male"
    return name, age, city, gender

# Unpacking with three variables
name, age, city = get_person_details() #return 3 

# Displaying the results
print("Name:", name)
print("Age:", age)
print("City:", city)
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3)
# Function returning multiple values
def get_person_details():
    name = "John"
    age = 30
    city = "Montréal"
    #gender = "Male"
    return name, age, city

# Unpacking with three variables
name, age, city = get_person_details() #3 return variables

# Displaying the results
print("Name:", name)
print("Age:", age)
print("City:", city)
Name: John
Age: 30
City: Montréal

Prefer raising exceptions to returning None

# Function that returns None on failure
def divide_numbers(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        return None  # Indicating failure by returning None
        return a / b

# Using the function and checking for failure with None
result = divide_numbers(10, 2)

if result is not None:
    print("Result:", result)
    print("Error: Cannot divide by zero.")

# Using the function and checking for failure with None
result = divide_numbers(10, 0)

if result is not None:
    print("Result:", result)
    print("Error: Cannot divide by zero.")
Result: 5.0
Error: Cannot divide by zero.
# Function that raises an exception on failure
def divide_numbers(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot divide by zero")
        return a / b

# Using the function and handling the exception
    result = divide_numbers(10, 2)
    print("Result:", result)
except ValueError as e:
    print("Error:", e)

# Using the function and handling the exception
    result = divide_numbers(10, 0)
    print("Result:", result)
except ValueError as e:
    print("Error:", e)
Result: 5.0
Error: Cannot divide by zero

Know how Closures Interact with Variable Scope

  • It is better to write a helper class compared to non-local or helper function.
  • used specifically when we want to priortise certain groups in a function.
class Sorter:
    def __init__(self, group): = group
        self.found = False

    def __call__(self, x):
        if x in
            self.found = True
            return (0, x)
            return (1, x)

# Example usage
group = {2, 4, 6}
numbers = [5, 3, 2, 1, 4]

sorter = Sorter(group)

# Display the sorted list
print("Sorted List:", numbers)

# Check if any item from the group is found during sorting
assert sorter.found is True
Sorted List: [2, 4, 1, 3, 5]

Reduce Visual Noise with Variable Positional Arguments

*args is not suggested for two reasons-

1) Optional positional arguments are always turned into a tuple before they are passed to a function. Uses a lot of memory and could crash a function.

2) Doesn't provide value inclusive of the new argument. Hence, no use of adding an additional argument. 
# Original function with *args
def example_function(*args):
    # Existing functionality using args
    total = sum(args)
    return total

# Example usage
result = example_function(1, 2, 3)
print("Result:", result)

# Attempt to add a new positional argument
# This would break existing callers
def updated_function(new_arg, *args):
     total = sum(args) + new_arg
     return total

result2 = updated_function(4,5)
print('Result2:', result2)
Result: 6
Result2: 9

Provide Optional Behavior with Keyword Arguments

def calculate_rectangle_area(length, width):
    return length * width
def calculate_rectangle_area(length, width=None):
    if width is not None:
        return length * width
        # If width is not provided, assume it's a square (width = length)
        return length * length
area1 = calculate_rectangle_area(5, 3)  # Calculates area of a rectangle
area2 = calculate_rectangle_area(4)     # Assumes it's a square with side length 4


Use None and Docstrings to Specify Dynamic Default Arguments

from datetime import datetime

def log_message(message, timestamp=None):
    Log a message with an optional timestamp.

    - message (str): The message to be logged.
    - timestamp (datetime, optional): The timestamp for the log message.
      Defaults to the current time if not provided.
    if timestamp is None:
        timestamp =

    print(f"{timestamp}: {message}")

# Example usage
log_message("Error occurred")  # Logs the message with the current timestamp
log_message("Warning", timestamp=datetime(2023, 1, 1))  # Logs the message with a specific timestamp
2023-12-05 18:49:25.657917: Error occurred
2023-01-01 00:00:00: Warning

Define Function Decorators with funtools.wraps

  • Decorator in Python is a function that takes another function as input and extends or modifies the behavior of the latter function.
  • In this case, the trace decorator is designed to print information about the function calls.
def trace(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print(f'{func.__name__}({args!r}, {kwargs!r}) '
              f'-> {result!r}')
        return result
    return wrapper
def example_function(x, y):
    return x * y

result = example_function(3, 4)
example_function((3, 4), {}) -> 12
Help on function wrapper in module __main__:

wrapper(*args, **kwargs)