
Data analysis with GeoPandas

Data Analysis

Kunal Khurana


January 7, 2023

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import LineString

# for interactive maps
import folium
from folium import Choropleth, Circle, Marker
from folium.plugins import HeatMap, MarkerCluster
import math

# for Geocoding
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim


process of converting name of a place or an address to a location on a Map

example location=[54, 15];

Latidute coordinate, 54 (ranges from -90 to 90 degrees); positive value - northern hemisphere)

Longitude coordinate, 15 (ranges from -180 to 180 degrees; positive value- eastern hemisphere)
geolocator = Nominatim (user_agent = 'Kunal Khurana')
location = geolocator.geocode('Taj Mahal')

27 10m 30.027s N, 78 2m 31.5645s E
Taj Mahal, Taj East Gate Road, Taj Ganj, Agra, Agra District, Uttar Pradesh, 282004, India
point = location.point
print("Latitude:", point.latitude)
print("Longitude:", point.longitude)
Latitude: 27.1750075
Longitude: 78.04210126365584
# top universities
universities = pd.read_csv('data_for_all_courses\\top_universities.csv')
0 University of Oxford
1 University of Cambridge
2 Imperial College London
3 ETH Zurich
# using lambda function to apply geocoder to every row in DataFrame
def my_geocoder(row):
    #use try/excepth where geocoding is unsuccessful
        point = geolocator.geocode(row).point
        return pd.Series({'Latitude': point.latitude, 'Longitude': point.longitude})
        return None
universities[['Latitude', 'Longitude']] = universities.apply(lambda x: my_geocoder(x['Name']), axis = 1)

print(f"{(1-sum(np.isnan(universities['Latitude'])) / len(universities)) * 100}% of addresses were geocoded!")
95.0% of addresses were geocoded!
# frop universities that were not successfully geocoded
universities = universities.dropna(subset= ['Latitude']).copy()
universities = gpd.GeoDataFrame(universities, 
                               geometry = gpd.points_from_xy (universities.Longitude, universities.Latitude))
Name Latitude Longitude geometry
0 University of Oxford 51.758708 -1.255668 POINT (-1.25567 51.75871)
1 University of Cambridge 52.210946 0.092005 POINT (0.09200 52.21095)
2 Imperial College London 51.498959 -0.175641 POINT (-0.17564 51.49896)
3 ETH Zurich 47.413218 8.537491 POINT (8.53749 47.41322)
4 UCL 51.521785 -0.135151 POINT (-0.13515 51.52179)
# create a map
m = folium.Map(location = [20, 79], titles = 'openstreetmap', zoom_start=2)

# add points
for idx, row in universities.iterrows():
    Marker([row['Latitude'], row['Longitude']], popup= row['Name']).add_to(m)
# display
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

GeoDataFrame Table joins

world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
europe = world.loc[world.continent == "Europe"].reset_index(drop = True)
C:\Users\Khurana_Kunal\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_13672\ FutureWarning: The geopandas.dataset module is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can get the original 'naturalearth_lowres' data from
  world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
pop_est continent name iso_a3 gdp_md_est geometry
0 144373535.0 Europe Russia RUS 1699876 MULTIPOLYGON (((180.00000 71.51571, 180.00000 ...
1 5347896.0 Europe Norway NOR 403336 MULTIPOLYGON (((15.14282 79.67431, 15.52255 80...
2 67059887.0 Europe France FRA 2715518 MULTIPOLYGON (((-51.65780 4.15623, -52.24934 3...
3 10285453.0 Europe Sweden SWE 530883 POLYGON ((11.02737 58.85615, 11.46827 59.43239...
4 9466856.0 Europe Belarus BLR 63080 POLYGON ((28.17671 56.16913, 29.22951 55.91834...
europe_stats = europe[['name', 'pop_est', 'gdp_md_est']]
europe_boundaries = europe [['name', 'geometry']]
name pop_est gdp_md_est
0 Russia 144373535.0 1699876
1 Norway 5347896.0 403336
2 France 67059887.0 2715518
3 Sweden 10285453.0 530883
4 Belarus 9466856.0 63080
name geometry
0 Russia MULTIPOLYGON (((180.00000 71.51571, 180.00000 ...
1 Norway MULTIPOLYGON (((15.14282 79.67431, 15.52255 80...
2 France MULTIPOLYGON (((-51.65780 4.15623, -52.24934 3...
3 Sweden POLYGON ((11.02737 58.85615, 11.46827 59.43239...
4 Belarus POLYGON ((28.17671 56.16913, 29.22951 55.91834...
# use'name' to merge europe_boundaries and europe_stats

europe2 = europe_boundaries.merge(europe_stats, on= 'name')
name geometry pop_est gdp_md_est
0 Russia MULTIPOLYGON (((180.00000 71.51571, 180.00000 ... 144373535.0 1699876
1 Norway MULTIPOLYGON (((15.14282 79.67431, 15.52255 80... 5347896.0 403336
2 France MULTIPOLYGON (((-51.65780 4.15623, -52.24934 3... 67059887.0 2715518
3 Sweden POLYGON ((11.02737 58.85615, 11.46827 59.43239... 10285453.0 530883
4 Belarus POLYGON ((28.17671 56.16913, 29.22951 55.91834... 9466856.0 63080

Spatial join

joining data based on geometry

# match universities to countries

european_universities = gpd.sjoin(universities, europe2)
C:\Users\Khurana_Kunal\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_13672\ UserWarning: CRS mismatch between the CRS of left geometries and the CRS of right geometries.
Use `to_crs()` to reproject one of the input geometries to match the CRS of the other.

Left CRS: None
Right CRS: EPSG:4326

  european_universities = gpd.sjoin(universities, europe2)
# check the crs for europe2
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World.
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
# lets provide same crs value to universities
universities = universities.set_crs('epsg: 4326')
european_unviersities = gpd.sjoin(universities, europe2)
Name Latitude Longitude geometry index_right name pop_est gdp_md_est
0 University of Oxford 51.758708 -1.255668 POINT (-1.25567 51.75871) 28 United Kingdom 66834405.0 2829108
1 University of Cambridge 52.210946 0.092005 POINT (0.09200 52.21095) 28 United Kingdom 66834405.0 2829108
2 Imperial College London 51.498959 -0.175641 POINT (-0.17564 51.49896) 28 United Kingdom 66834405.0 2829108
4 UCL 51.521785 -0.135151 POINT (-0.13515 51.52179) 28 United Kingdom 66834405.0 2829108
5 London School of Economics and Political Science 51.514261 -0.116734 POINT (-0.11673 51.51426) 28 United Kingdom 66834405.0 2829108
# investigate the result
print (f"We located {len(universities)} universities.")

print (f"Out of 95,  {len(european_universities)} "
       f"of the universities were located in Europe in "
       f" different countries." )
We located 95 universities.
Out of 95,  89 of the universities were located in Europe in 15 different countries.
Name Latitude Longitude geometry index_right name pop_est gdp_md_est
0 University of Oxford 51.758708 -1.255668 POINT (-1.25567 51.75871) 28 United Kingdom 66834405.0 2829108
1 University of Cambridge 52.210946 0.092005 POINT (0.09200 52.21095) 28 United Kingdom 66834405.0 2829108
2 Imperial College London 51.498959 -0.175641 POINT (-0.17564 51.49896) 28 United Kingdom 66834405.0 2829108
4 UCL 51.521785 -0.135151 POINT (-0.13515 51.52179) 28 United Kingdom 66834405.0 2829108
5 London School of Economics and Political Science 51.514261 -0.116734 POINT (-0.11673 51.51426) 28 United Kingdom 66834405.0 2829108

Potentially suitable areas for starbucks

# for maps visualization
def embed_map(m, file_name):
    from IPython.display import IFrame
    return IFrame(file_name, width='100%', height='500px')
starbucks = pd.read_csv('data_for_all_courses\starbucks_locations.csv')
Store Number Store Name Address City Longitude Latitude
0 10429-100710 Palmdale & Hwy 395 14136 US Hwy 395 Adelanto CA Adelanto -117.40 34.51
1 635-352 Kanan & Thousand Oaks 5827 Kanan Road Agoura CA Agoura -118.76 34.16
2 74510-27669 Vons-Agoura Hills #2001 5671 Kanan Rd. Agoura Hills CA Agoura Hills -118.76 34.15
3 29839-255026 Target Anaheim T-0677 8148 E SANTA ANA CANYON ROAD AHAHEIM CA AHAHEIM -117.75 33.87
4 23463-230284 Safeway - Alameda 3281 2600 5th Street Alameda CA Alameda -122.28 37.79
# print individual missing values
print(f"The DataFrame starbucks has {starbucks.isnull().sum()} missing values")
The DataFrame starbucks has Store Number    0
Store Name      0
Address         0
City            0
Longitude       5
Latitude        5
dtype: int64 missing values
# printing missing rows
missing_value_rows = starbucks[starbucks.isnull().any(axis=1)]
     Store Number                Store Name  \
153      5406-945  2224 Shattuck - Berkeley   
154       570-512                Solano Ave   
155  17877-164526   Safeway - Berkeley #691   
156  19864-202264         Telegraph & Ashby   
157     9217-9253           2128 Oxford St.   

                               Address      City  Longitude  Latitude  
153   2224 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley CA  Berkeley        NaN       NaN  
154     1799 Solano Avenue Berkeley CA  Berkeley        NaN       NaN  
155    1444 Shattuck Place Berkeley CA  Berkeley        NaN       NaN  
156  3001 Telegraph Avenue Berkeley CA  Berkeley        NaN       NaN  
157     2128 Oxford Street Berkeley CA  Berkeley        NaN       NaN  
# print total missing values
print(f"The DataFrame starbucks has {starbucks.isnull().sum().sum()} missing values")
The DataFrame starbucks has 10 missing values
# removing missing values
starbucks_clean = print (f"We are removing missing values from the starbucks "
                         f"{starbucks.dropna(inplace = True)} dataframe.")
We are removing missing values from the starbucks None dataframe.
# checking
Store Number    0
Store Name      0
Address         0
City            0
Longitude       0
Latitude        0
dtype: int64


All the missing values are in Berkley city.

# create geocoder that adds latitude and longitude values

geolocator = Nominatim (user_agent = "Kunal Khurana ")

def my_geocoder(row):
    point = geolocator.geocode(row).point
    return pd.Series({'Latitude': point.latitude, 'Longitude': point.longitude})

berkley_locations = missing_value_rows.apply(lambda x: my_geocoder(x['Address']), axis = 1)
<bound method NDFrame.describe of       Store Number                  Store Name  \
0     10429-100710          Palmdale & Hwy 395   
1          635-352       Kanan & Thousand Oaks   
2      74510-27669     Vons-Agoura Hills #2001   
3     29839-255026       Target Anaheim T-0677   
4     23463-230284      Safeway - Alameda 3281   
...            ...                         ...   
2816  14071-108147  Hwy 20 & Tharp - Yuba City   
2817    9974-98559  Yucaipa & Hampton, Yucaipa   
2818  79654-108478        Vons - Yucaipa #1796   
2819   6438-245084               Yucaipa & 6th   
2820    6829-82142   Highway 62 & Warren Vista   

                                      Address          City  Longitude  \
0                14136 US Hwy 395 Adelanto CA      Adelanto    -117.40   
1                   5827 Kanan Road Agoura CA        Agoura    -118.76   
2              5671 Kanan Rd. Agoura Hills CA  Agoura Hills    -118.76   
3     8148 E SANTA ANA CANYON ROAD AHAHEIM CA       AHAHEIM    -117.75   
4                  2600 5th Street Alameda CA       Alameda    -122.28   
...                                       ...           ...        ...   
2816    1615 Colusa Hwy, Ste 100 Yuba City CA     Yuba City    -121.64   
2817        31364 Yucaipa Blvd., A Yucaipa CA       Yucaipa    -117.12   
2818            33644 YUCAIPA BLVD YUCAIPA CA       YUCAIPA    -117.07   
2819      34050 Yucaipa Blvd., 200 Yucaipa CA       Yucaipa    -117.06   
2820  57744  29 Palms Highway Yucca Valley CA  Yucca Valley    -116.40   

0        34.51  
1        34.16  
2        34.15  
3        33.87  
4        37.79  
...        ...  
2816     39.14  
2817     34.03  
2818     34.04  
2819     34.03  
2820     34.13  

[2816 rows x 6 columns]>
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 2816 entries, 0 to 2820
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------        --------------  -----  
 0   Store Number  2816 non-null   object 
 1   Store Name    2816 non-null   object 
 2   Address       2816 non-null   object 
 3   City          2816 non-null   object 
 4   Longitude     2816 non-null   float64
 5   Latitude      2816 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(2), object(4)
memory usage: 154.0+ KB
# base map
m_base = folium.Map(location= [37.88, -122.26], tiles='openstreetmap', zoom_start = 12)

# add markers
for idx, row in starbucks[starbucks['City']=='Berkeley'].iterrows():
    Marker([row['Latitude'], row['Longitude']]).add_to(m_base)    
# display
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
Store Number Store Name Address City Longitude Latitude
0 10429-100710 Palmdale & Hwy 395 14136 US Hwy 395 Adelanto CA Adelanto -117.40 34.51
1 635-352 Kanan & Thousand Oaks 5827 Kanan Road Agoura CA Agoura -118.76 34.16
2 74510-27669 Vons-Agoura Hills #2001 5671 Kanan Rd. Agoura Hills CA Agoura Hills -118.76 34.15
3 29839-255026 Target Anaheim T-0677 8148 E SANTA ANA CANYON ROAD AHAHEIM CA AHAHEIM -117.75 33.87
4 23463-230284 Safeway - Alameda 3281 2600 5th Street Alameda CA Alameda -122.28 37.79