Soil Chemistry Dataset

Exploratory analysis

Elemental soil fertility analysis for african continent
Data Analysis

June 15, 2023

1.1 Prerequisities and import libraries

  • To download data:
    • aws-cli
  • To parse and manage datasets:
    • brukeropusreader
    • pandas
    • tqdm

Installation below:

#! pip install awscli brukeropusreader tqdm pandas matplotlib folium seaborn pathlib 

#commented out after the installation is completed in case you run again the notebook         
#import pyspark
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from IPython.display import Image
import folium
from pathlib import Path
from brukeropusreader import read_file
from collections import Counter

from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm

1.2 Downloading the Soil Chemistry Dataset from AWS

Download s3 bucket content with the aws-cli command line tool. Run aws configure beforehand to set your credentials.

#! aws s3 sync s3://afsis afsis --no-sign-request 

# commented out after the download is completed in case you run again the notebook

1.3 Loading OPUS spectra

OPUS spectra are created using Bruker instruments Infrared spectrometers To be opened brukeropusreader package is needed.

The function brukeropusreader.read_file parses the binaries and returns a data structure containing information about the wave numbers, absorbance spectra, and file metadata.

Here we plot a few of the spectra.

2. Geographical references

The AfSIS Soil Chemistry Dataset contains georeferences for each spectra. It is worth noting that it consists of two datasets, one for the subsaharian Africa and one with additional data recorded only in Tanzania.

2.1 Dataframes exploration

GEOREFS_FILE1 = 'afsis/2009-2013/Georeferences/georeferences.csv' 
df_geo1 = pd.read_csv(GEOREFS_FILE1)# dataframe for several african countries
df_geo1 = df_geo1.sort_values(by=['Site', 'Cultivated'])
(1843, 14)
SSN                0
Public             0
Latitude           0
Longitude          0
Cluster            0
Plot               0
Depth              0
Soil material     94
Scientist          0
Site               0
Country            0
Region           232
Cultivated       798
Gid                0
dtype: int64
SSN Public Latitude Longitude Cluster Plot Depth Soil material Scientist Site Country Region Cultivated Gid
460 icr016032 True 5.423182 -0.709083 15 1 top Aju.15.1.Topsoil.Std fine soil Jerome Tondoh Ajumako Ghana West Africa False 345
500 icr016033 True 5.423182 -0.709083 15 1 sub Aju.15.1.Subsoil.Std fine soil Jerome Tondoh Ajumako Ghana West Africa False 346
666 icr015913 True 5.377035 -0.726425 9 1 sub Aju.9.1.Subsoil.Std fine soil Jerome Tondoh Ajumako Ghana West Africa False 334
732 icr016053 True 5.447667 -0.717422 16 1 sub Aju.16.1.Subsoil.Std fine soil Jerome Tondoh Ajumako Ghana West Africa False 348
957 icr015973 True 5.434675 -0.728883 12 1 sub Aju.12.1.Subsoil.Std fine soil Jerome Tondoh Ajumako Ghana West Africa False 340
GEOREFS_FILE2 = 'afsis/tansis/Georeferences/georeferences.csv' 
df_geo2 = pd.read_csv(GEOREFS_FILE2)# dataframe with additional data for Tanzania
df_geo2 = df_geo2.sort_values(by=['Site', 'Cultivated'])

(18819, 14)
Cluster Country Cultivated Depth Gid Latitude Longitude Plot Region SSN Sampling date Scientist Site Soil material
29 2.0 Tanzania False top 46.0 -3.029698 33.015202 2.0 East Africa icr011843 NaN Leigh Winoweicki Bukwaya Buk.2.2.Topsoil.Std fine soil
31 4.0 Tanzania False top 48.0 -2.992815 33.016113 1.0 East Africa icr011881 NaN Leigh Winoweicki Bukwaya Buk.4.1.Topsoil.Std fine soil
32 5.0 Tanzania False top 49.0 -3.060982 33.030663 1.0 East Africa icr011901 NaN Leigh Winoweicki Bukwaya Buk.5.1.Topsoil.Std fine soil
35 8.0 Tanzania False top 52.0 -2.987467 33.033264 1.0 East Africa icr011960 NaN Leigh Winoweicki Bukwaya Buk.8.1.Topsoil.Std fine soil
36 9.0 Tanzania False top 53.0 -3.058480 33.065014 3.0 East Africa icr011978 NaN Leigh Winoweicki Bukwaya Buk.9.3.Topsoil.Std fine soil

The tansis folder contains measurements for Tanzania only. FTIR spectra in this folder are not readable and make it unusable

todrop = ['Soil material','Scientist', 'Site', 'Region', 'Gid','Plot','Public'] #irrelevant
df_geo = df_geo1.drop(todrop, axis = 1)

3. Dry Chemistry

The AfSIS Soil Chemistry dataset contains dry and wet chemistry data taken at each sampling location.

3.1 X-ray fluorescence (XRF) elemental analysis

with XRF we get the concentration of various chemical elements in the sample

Units are parts per million (ppm)

file1path = "afsis/2009-2013/Dry_Chemistry/ICRAF/Bruker_TXRF/TXRF.csv"
file2path = "afsis/tansis/Dry_Chemistry/ICRAF/Bruker_TXRF/TXRF.csv"
xrf_africa = pd.read_csv(file1path)
xrf_tanzania = pd.read_csv(file2path)

print('measurements 2009-13',xrf_africa.shape,'measurements  2014', xrf_tanzania.shape)

print("the table below shows the concentration in ppm for each element detected")
measurements 2009-13 (1904, 42) measurements  2014 (224, 42)
the table below shows the concentration in ppm for each element detected
SSN Public Na Mg Al P S Cl K Ca ... Pr Nd Sm Hf Ta W Hg Pb Bi Th
0 icr005965 True 16023.3 4433.5 37618.6 84.4 45.7 268.1 12412.2 30705.6 ... 0.9 14.7 14.0 0.9 2.5 0.2 4.9 3.9 0.1 13.4
1 icr005966 True 20524.6 5832.2 40248.2 72.1 45.7 229.6 12892.2 23234.5 ... 1.1 15.8 18.2 0.5 3.2 0.2 4.2 3.3 0.1 19.9
2 icr005985 True 19350.4 5085.8 36766.3 50.6 45.7 157.3 16839.7 16746.2 ... 1.2 19.2 14.1 0.8 2.0 1.2 2.6 12.0 0.1 17.9
3 icr005986 True 17410.2 5271.2 37912.2 50.6 45.7 285.2 16818.0 31939.6 ... 1.1 16.7 12.6 0.3 1.2 0.5 6.3 10.2 0.1 16.5
4 icr005998 True 19092.5 9169.8 37359.8 50.6 45.7 251.4 17577.9 25298.2 ... 1.1 16.7 17.2 0.5 3.2 0.4 4.2 5.6 0.1 18.4

5 rows × 42 columns

mask_diff_xrf = xrf_africa[xrf_africa['SSN'].isin(diff_list )]
df_xrf = pd.concat([xrf_tanzania, mask_diff_xrf]) 
print(df_xrf.shape, len(df_xrf.SSN.unique()))
(1838, 42) 1838
print('important elements for agriculture') 

important_elements = ['P','K', 'S','Ca','Mg','Cu','Cl','Zn','Fe', 'Mn','Mo' ]
df_xrf_reduced = df_xrf[important_elements]#/10000# express in %
df_xrf_reduced['SSN'] = df_xrf['SSN']
important elements for agriculture
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df_xrf_reduced['SSN'] = df_xrf['SSN']
P K S Ca Mg Cu Cl Zn Fe Mn Mo SSN
0 84.4 12412.2 45.7 30705.6 4433.5 10.1 268.1 25.3 22263.2 356.1 184.5 icr005965
1 72.1 12892.2 45.7 23234.5 5832.2 11.8 229.6 29.4 26269.6 379.7 184.5 icr005966
2 50.6 16839.7 45.7 16746.2 5085.8 22.1 157.3 32.4 22790.2 323.4 184.5 icr005985
3 50.6 16818.0 45.7 31939.6 5271.2 24.9 285.2 34.4 22939.1 332.5 184.5 icr005986
4 50.6 17577.9 45.7 25298.2 9169.8 13.1 251.4 35.4 24985.2 408.3 184.5 icr005998
# how disperse are the XRF data?
(1838, 12)
P K S Ca Mg Cu Cl Zn Fe Mn Mo
count 1838.000000 1838.000000 1838.000000 1838.000000 1838.000000 1838.000000 1838.000000 1838.000000 1838.000000 1838.000000 1838.000000
mean 0.011513 1.126107 0.007641 0.758606 0.730171 0.001519 0.026368 0.002566 2.633472 0.040358 0.019379
std 0.046650 1.268460 0.040276 2.284191 0.733123 0.001496 0.222005 0.002984 2.673819 0.052072 0.012800
min 0.002950 0.009040 0.003320 0.004400 0.402890 0.000050 0.000600 0.000090 0.007430 0.000540 0.017950
25% 0.005060 0.240008 0.004570 0.046742 0.557500 0.000450 0.005687 0.000780 0.779240 0.010405 0.018450
50% 0.005060 0.696950 0.004570 0.141455 0.557500 0.001125 0.010050 0.001890 1.947845 0.022950 0.018450
75% 0.005060 1.624108 0.004570 0.518190 0.557500 0.002050 0.016350 0.003437 3.452745 0.052255 0.018450
max 1.246380 10.627340 0.970400 42.643090 13.689340 0.012840 7.438340 0.073000 22.908970 0.660790 0.444250

3.2 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

A word about units. Most spectra using electromagnetic radiation are presented with wavelength as the X-axis in nm or μm. Originally, IR spectra were presented in units of micrometers. Later (1953) a different measure, the wavenumber given the unit cm-1, was adopted.

ν (cm-1)= 10,000/λ (μm)

The spectra may appear to be “backward” (large wavenumber values on the left, running to low values on the right); this is a consequence of the μm to cm-1 conversion

3.2.1 NIR (near infrared range) FTIR

spectral range: 12500 - 4000 cm-1 or 700 - 2500 nm for near infrared (NIR)


AFSIS_PATH = Path('afsis/2009-2013/Dry_Chemistry/ICRAF')
names = []
spectra = []

for path in tqdm(AFSIS_PATH.glob(NIR_SPECTRA_DIR )):
    if path.is_file():
        spect_data = read_file(path)
wave_nums = spect_data.get_range()

column_names = ['{:.0f}'.format(x) for x in wave_nums]
near_infrared_df = pd.DataFrame(spectra, index=names, columns=column_names)
TqdmDeprecationWarning: This function will be removed in tqdm==5.0.0
Please use `tqdm.notebook.tqdm` instead of `tqdm.tqdm_notebook`
  for path in tqdm(AFSIS_PATH.glob(NIR_SPECTRA_DIR )):
12493 12489 12485 12482 12478 12474 12470 12466 12462 12458 ... 3633 3630 3626 3622 3618 3614 3610 3606 3603 3599
icr033603 0.744053 0.744943 0.737978 0.734149 0.738894 0.741579 0.738796 0.740573 0.745435 0.745959 ... 2.679350 2.639192 2.631729 2.611440 2.646616 2.508814 2.414326 2.423105 2.533958 2.656340
icr042897 0.553651 0.549628 0.549979 0.555073 0.561452 0.566700 0.571925 0.578335 0.582339 0.579222 ... 2.455164 2.484992 2.565423 2.588626 2.550071 2.503246 2.361378 2.318084 2.421962 2.429910
icr049675 0.533260 0.531480 0.535772 0.545087 0.551631 0.550375 0.546267 0.545179 0.545328 0.542055 ... 2.641663 2.420862 2.309041 2.268263 2.305246 2.589037 2.847070 2.433076 2.500584 2.292974
icr034693 0.568058 0.566100 0.563312 0.560136 0.556757 0.558751 0.566576 0.575022 0.580073 0.579828 ... 2.410610 2.373128 2.324080 2.145765 2.025990 2.089124 2.294537 2.543749 2.517684 2.474452
icr033950 0.555743 0.550596 0.548068 0.554348 0.559019 0.554218 0.551323 0.556638 0.561071 0.562413 ... 2.714783 2.360171 2.265779 2.247130 2.206304 2.150379 2.145735 2.169409 2.158581 2.150478

5 rows × 2307 columns

# table with FTIR spectra for each sample

df_NIR_FTIRspectra = near_infrared_df.T.reset_index()

df_NIR_FTIRspectra = df_NIR_FTIRspectra.rename(columns={'index': 'labda'})
df_NIR_FTIRspectra.labda = pd.to_numeric(df_NIR_FTIRspectra.labda)

labda icr033603 icr042897 icr049675 icr034693 icr033950 icr034794 icr015953 icr050394 icr048771 ... icr073540 icr049437 icr037699 icr075004 icr056181 icr055563 icr010159 icr074792 icr011321 icr062275
0 12493 0.744053 0.553651 0.533260 0.568058 0.555743 0.643860 0.431300 0.684270 0.569734 ... 0.268871 0.623325 0.427489 0.664087 0.612543 0.400455 0.604818 0.511006 0.633803 0.539674
1 12489 0.744943 0.549628 0.531480 0.566100 0.550596 0.648193 0.434562 0.684778 0.567334 ... 0.266468 0.631448 0.425584 0.665025 0.612217 0.398957 0.605491 0.507771 0.635440 0.541978
2 12485 0.737978 0.549979 0.535772 0.563312 0.548068 0.648293 0.435362 0.677241 0.563958 ... 0.265169 0.638345 0.430387 0.654435 0.615592 0.396526 0.604928 0.507411 0.637939 0.545053
3 12482 0.734149 0.555073 0.545087 0.560136 0.554348 0.642154 0.436202 0.676640 0.561916 ... 0.265009 0.636849 0.433966 0.644498 0.619221 0.399731 0.601859 0.511584 0.640378 0.543280
4 12478 0.738894 0.561452 0.551631 0.556757 0.559019 0.641057 0.436053 0.683005 0.566201 ... 0.265186 0.632287 0.433450 0.646780 0.623118 0.405075 0.597800 0.517670 0.642512 0.540592

5 rows × 1908 columns

plt.figure(figsize= (6,6))

plt.plot(df_NIR_FTIRspectra['labda'],df_NIR_FTIRspectra.iloc[:, [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]]) 

plt.title('Example spectra')

plt.ylabel('Absorbance (A.U.)', fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel('Wavelengths (cm-1)', fontsize = 14)

plt.axvline(x=7500 , ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r', linewidth = 1)
plt.axvline(x=4000, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r', linewidth = 1)
plt.text(7400, 2.5, 'useful range between \n red lines')
Text(7400, 2.5, 'useful range between \n red lines')

In the region 12000 - 7500 cm-1 there are no peaks, this part of the spectrum can be ignored below 4000 cm-1 the signal is unrealistic. It is an experimental artifact and this part of the spectrum should be cut off.

Absorbance in this range is analized with mid-range FTIR spectrometers (see section 3.2.2 below)

df_NIR_FTIRspectra =  df_NIR_FTIRspectra[df_NIR_FTIRspectra['labda'] < 7500]  
df_NIR_FTIRspectra = df_NIR_FTIRspectra[df_NIR_FTIRspectra['labda'] > 4000]
plt.figure(figsize= (6,6))

plt.plot(df_NIR_FTIRspectra['labda'],df_NIR_FTIRspectra.iloc[:, [4,5,6,12,16,17,48]]) 

plt.title('Example reduced spectra')

plt.ylabel('Absorbance (A.U.)', fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel('Wavelengths (cm-1)', fontsize = 14)
Text(0.5, 0, 'Wavelengths (cm-1)')

# change original dataset accordingly

df_NIR_reindexed = df_NIR_FTIRspectra.set_index('labda')
near_infrared_df = df_NIR_reindexed.T
labda 7498 7494 7491 7487 7483 7479 7475 7471 7467 7464 ... 4038 4035 4031 4027 4023 4019 4015 4011 4008 4004
icr033603 0.469107 0.469056 0.469180 0.469344 0.469312 0.469145 0.469012 0.469019 0.469138 0.469201 ... 0.693520 0.696103 0.698850 0.701674 0.704414 0.707121 0.709787 0.712360 0.714864 0.717183
icr042897 0.453903 0.453874 0.453821 0.453781 0.453818 0.453874 0.453957 0.454082 0.454211 0.454340 ... 0.679447 0.681886 0.684869 0.687917 0.690609 0.692926 0.694870 0.696561 0.698304 0.700157
icr049675 0.311495 0.311474 0.311484 0.311448 0.311298 0.311103 0.310900 0.310745 0.310745 0.310800 ... 0.471828 0.473717 0.475707 0.477803 0.479886 0.481793 0.483479 0.485172 0.487041 0.488976
icr034693 0.420559 0.420480 0.420528 0.420549 0.420534 0.420425 0.420276 0.420284 0.420467 0.420655 ... 0.695133 0.698124 0.701617 0.705556 0.709398 0.712633 0.715035 0.716666 0.718061 0.719766
icr033950 0.327227 0.327036 0.326880 0.326711 0.326502 0.326389 0.326441 0.326477 0.326314 0.325999 ... 0.437366 0.439201 0.441031 0.442873 0.444723 0.446564 0.448291 0.449815 0.451223 0.452619

5 rows × 907 columns

3.2.2 MIR (middle infrared range) FTIR

spectral range 400 - 4000 cm-1

data recorded with three spectrometers that differ for the method for collecting data.

  • ALPHA Kbr spectrometer: transmission, using samples pressed into a Kbr pellet
  • ALPHA ZnSe spectrometer: reflection over a diamond window and ZnSe filter / beam splitter
  • Tensor27 Kbr spectrometer further reading about experimental details can be found at afsis/2009-2013/Dry_Chemistry/ICRAF/SOP/METH07V01 ALPHA.pdf

and a general introduction can be found here:

  • 2014-2018 Most FTIR spectra could not be opened using the Bruker open files library, in this kernel only those obtained with the Tensor27 spectrometer are analyzed
- ALPHA spectrometer - KBr window
KBR_SPECTRA_DIR = 'Bruker_Alpha_KBr/*'
AFSIS_PATH = Path('afsis/2009-2013/Dry_Chemistry/ICRAF')
TANSIS_PATH = Path('afsis/tansis/Dry_Chemistry/ICRAF')
names = []
spectra = []

for path in tqdm(AFSIS_PATH.glob(KBR_SPECTRA_DIR )):
    if path.is_file():
        spect_data = read_file(path)
wave_nums = spect_data.get_range()

column_names = ['{:.0f}'.format(x) for x in wave_nums]
kbr_df = pd.DataFrame(spectra, index=names, columns=column_names)
TqdmDeprecationWarning: This function will be removed in tqdm==5.0.0
Please use `tqdm.notebook.tqdm` instead of `tqdm.tqdm_notebook`
  for path in tqdm(AFSIS_PATH.glob(KBR_SPECTRA_DIR )):
3998 3997 3996 3994 3993 3991 3990 3988 3987 3986 ... 412 411 409 408 406 405 404 402 401 399
icr033603 0.908592 0.908981 0.909435 0.909956 0.910562 0.911266 0.912069 0.912953 0.913888 0.914843 ... 1.849416 1.860089 1.872713 1.885405 1.896269 1.903926 1.908109 1.910104 1.912738 1.919517
icr042897 0.810133 0.809940 0.809745 0.809616 0.809566 0.809563 0.809558 0.809516 0.809437 0.809359 ... 2.069042 2.098991 2.124525 2.143315 2.153621 2.154386 2.145273 2.126816 2.101002 2.071937
icr049675 0.711836 0.712355 0.713021 0.713747 0.714438 0.715037 0.715535 0.715951 0.716298 0.716546 ... 2.042677 2.025819 2.009498 1.997672 1.991367 1.989609 1.990601 1.992822 1.995704 1.999495
icr034693 0.788686 0.789201 0.789494 0.789611 0.789634 0.789656 0.789744 0.789912 0.790109 0.790249 ... 2.083768 2.084394 2.084220 2.081256 2.072820 2.055961 2.028284 1.989270 1.941584 1.891300
icr033950 0.752478 0.753251 0.753915 0.754423 0.754733 0.754816 0.754683 0.754402 0.754084 0.753866 ... 1.925999 1.940593 1.958213 1.975761 1.988359 1.990657 1.979214 1.954502 1.920762 1.884145

5 rows × 2542 columns

# table with FTIR spectra for each sample
df_KBR_FTIRspectra = kbr_df.T.reset_index()

df_KBR_FTIRspectra = df_KBR_FTIRspectra.rename(columns={'index': 'labda'})
df_KBR_FTIRspectra.labda = pd.to_numeric(df_KBR_FTIRspectra.labda)

labda icr033603 icr042897 icr049675 icr034693 icr033950 icr034794 icr015953 icr050394 icr048771 ... icr011182 icr073540 icr049437 icr037699 icr056181 icr055563 icr010159 icr074792 icr011321 icr062275
0 3998 0.908592 0.810133 0.711836 0.788686 0.752478 0.799947 0.819920 0.701762 0.854325 ... 0.741123 0.707601 0.735885 0.792272 0.784010 0.675416 0.859956 0.675066 0.807336 0.753118
1 3997 0.908981 0.809940 0.712355 0.789201 0.753251 0.801083 0.819910 0.702142 0.854623 ... 0.741535 0.707462 0.735881 0.793356 0.784840 0.675505 0.859586 0.675193 0.807802 0.753273
2 3996 0.909435 0.809745 0.713021 0.789494 0.753915 0.802259 0.820077 0.702510 0.854676 ... 0.741678 0.707289 0.735951 0.794496 0.785365 0.675546 0.859557 0.675159 0.808202 0.753584
3 3994 0.909956 0.809616 0.713747 0.789611 0.754423 0.803318 0.820496 0.702824 0.854543 ... 0.741524 0.707115 0.736090 0.795609 0.785554 0.675588 0.859890 0.674942 0.808552 0.754089
4 3993 0.910562 0.809566 0.714438 0.789634 0.754733 0.804114 0.821235 0.703081 0.854348 ... 0.741103 0.706966 0.736295 0.796670 0.785448 0.675682 0.860528 0.674554 0.808865 0.754796

5 rows × 1889 columns

plt.figure(figsize= (6,6))

plt.plot(df_KBR_FTIRspectra['labda'],df_KBR_FTIRspectra.iloc[:, [4,257,100]]) 

plt.title('Example spectra MIR-FTIR KBr window')

plt.ylabel('Absorbance (A.U.)', fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel('Wavelengths (cm-1)', fontsize = 14)
Text(0.5, 0, 'Wavelengths (cm-1)')

- Alpha spectrometer - ZnSe window
ZnSe_SPECTRA_DIR = 'Bruker_Alpha_ZnSe/*'
AFSIS_PATH = Path('afsis/2009-2013/Dry_Chemistry/ICRAF')

names = []
spectra = []

for path in tqdm(AFSIS_PATH.glob(ZnSe_SPECTRA_DIR )):
    if path.is_file():
        spect_data = read_file(path)
wave_nums = spect_data.get_range()

column_names1 = ['{:.0f}'.format(x) for x in wave_nums]
ZnSe_df = pd.DataFrame(spectra, index=names, columns=column_names1)
TqdmDeprecationWarning: This function will be removed in tqdm==5.0.0
Please use `tqdm.notebook.tqdm` instead of `tqdm.tqdm_notebook`
  for path in tqdm(AFSIS_PATH.glob(ZnSe_SPECTRA_DIR )):
3996 3994 3992 3990 3988 3986 3984 3982 3980 3978 ... 518 516 514 512 510 508 506 504 502 500
icr033603 1.336817 1.337777 1.338591 1.339180 1.339602 1.339999 1.340485 1.341091 1.341770 1.342445 ... 2.274969 2.276752 2.252275 2.223028 2.210677 2.225878 2.251971 2.209258 2.221467 0.0
icr042897 1.217690 1.218229 1.218768 1.219244 1.219670 1.220118 1.220660 1.221307 1.221991 1.222615 ... 2.221671 2.189322 2.175592 2.185125 2.209400 2.227240 2.216305 2.164982 2.129341 0.0
icr049675 1.155588 1.155937 1.156262 1.156588 1.156925 1.157270 1.157606 1.157913 1.158161 1.158312 ... 2.400493 2.362777 2.327363 2.304740 2.297083 2.296757 2.288914 2.260693 2.206604 0.0
icr034693 1.215348 1.215774 1.216170 1.216544 1.216940 1.217407 1.217960 1.218564 1.219142 1.219622 ... 2.146795 2.123838 2.091934 2.052702 2.009385 1.963674 1.915830 1.866890 1.819085 0.0
icr033950 1.163011 1.163466 1.163930 1.164330 1.164612 1.164770 1.164867 1.165003 1.165248 1.165577 ... 2.140887 2.131997 2.106665 2.065614 2.013958 1.957800 1.904114 1.861121 1.835173 0.0

5 rows × 1716 columns

# - table with FTIR spectra for each sample

df_ZnSe_FTIRspectra = ZnSe_df.T.reset_index()

df_ZnSe_FTIRspectra = df_ZnSe_FTIRspectra.rename(columns={'index': 'labda'})
df_ZnSe_FTIRspectra.labda = pd.to_numeric(df_ZnSe_FTIRspectra.labda)
print("spectral range:", df_ZnSe_FTIRspectra.labda.min(), "cm-1 - ",df_ZnSe_FTIRspectra.labda.max(), "cm-1" )
spectral range: 500 cm-1 -  3996 cm-1
- Tensor 27 HTS-XT spectrometer

KBr window and wider range: both MID and Near IR

AFSIS_PATH = Path('afsis/2009-2013/Dry_Chemistry/ICRAF')

names = []
spectra = []

for path in tqdm(AFSIS_PATH.glob(HTSXT_SPECTRA_DIR )):
    if path.is_file():
        spect_data = read_file(path)
wave_nums = spect_data.get_range()

column_names = ['{:.0f}'.format(x) for x in wave_nums]
htsxt_df = pd.DataFrame(spectra, index=names, columns=column_names)
TqdmDeprecationWarning: This function will be removed in tqdm==5.0.0
Please use `tqdm.notebook.tqdm` instead of `tqdm.tqdm_notebook`
  for path in tqdm(AFSIS_PATH.glob(HTSXT_SPECTRA_DIR )):
print('Total measurements',len(htsxt_df.index),', unique samples', len(htsxt_df.index.unique()) )
Total measurements 7346 , unique samples 1839
# table with FTIR spectra for each sample

df_htsxt_FTIRspectra = htsxt_df.T.reset_index()

df_htsxt_FTIRspectra = df_htsxt_FTIRspectra.rename(columns={'index': 'labda'})
df_htsxt_FTIRspectra.labda = pd.to_numeric(df_htsxt_FTIRspectra.labda)
print("spectral range:", df_htsxt_FTIRspectra.labda.min(), "cm-1 - ",df_htsxt_FTIRspectra.labda.max(), "cm-1" )
spectral range: 600 cm-1 -  7498 cm-1

Are Tensor 27 HTS-XT spectrometer measurements reproducible?

plt.plot(df_htsxt_FTIRspectra['labda'],df_htsxt_FTIRspectra['icr034794'], label = 'HTSXT') 

plt.title('Example same sample repetitions - HTSXT')

plt.ylabel('Absorbance (A.U.)', fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel('Wavelengths (cm-1)', fontsize = 14)

print('4 repetitions, identical result')
4 repetitions, identical result

let’s average the repetitions

htsxt_df = htsxt_df.reset_index()
index 7498 7496 7494 7492 7490 7488 7486 7485 7483 ... 617 615 613 611 609 607 606 604 602 600
0 icr033603 0.363767 0.358597 0.352962 0.355229 0.364906 0.370382 0.363909 0.354324 0.350436 ... 1.903912 1.892159 1.883104 1.875069 1.863860 1.846478 1.827501 1.811521 1.798762 1.785432
1 icr010356 0.138930 0.132892 0.136494 0.148280 0.153970 0.145607 0.134926 0.131624 0.130996 ... 1.799327 1.789603 1.779350 1.767130 1.751588 1.736565 1.723430 1.712572 1.705888 NaN
2 icr055782 0.198082 0.193039 0.187723 0.190430 0.200350 0.205885 0.199621 0.190752 0.188001 ... 1.612597 1.624695 1.637514 1.644494 1.651400 1.663048 1.675583 1.689286 1.701757 1.708080
3 icr011264 0.327606 0.321836 0.325163 0.336058 0.341134 0.332636 0.321906 0.318676 0.317745 ... 1.875749 1.869287 1.868335 1.877906 1.887795 1.885020 1.873055 1.863219 1.855847 NaN
4 icr034402 0.339334 0.334438 0.329383 0.331227 0.339271 0.343485 0.337471 0.329251 0.326680 ... 1.491697 1.492001 1.491628 1.489214 1.486117 1.482170 1.478855 1.479840 1.483233 1.483134

5 rows × 3579 columns

htsxt_df = htsxt_df.rename(columns={'index': 'SSN'})
gb_htsxt = htsxt_df.groupby(['SSN']).mean().reset_index()
(1839, 3579)
gb_htsxt = gb_htsxt.set_index('SSN')
gb_htsxt_FTIRspectra = gb_htsxt.T.reset_index()

gb_htsxt_FTIRspectra = gb_htsxt_FTIRspectra.rename(columns={'index': 'labda'})
gb_htsxt_FTIRspectra.labda = pd.to_numeric(gb_htsxt_FTIRspectra.labda)
plt.plot(df_htsxt_FTIRspectra['labda'],df_htsxt_FTIRspectra['icr034794'], label = 'repetition') 
plt.plot(gb_htsxt_FTIRspectra['labda'],gb_htsxt_FTIRspectra['icr034794'],color = 'k', label = 'average') 
plt.title('Same sample repetitions and average')

plt.ylabel('Absorbance (A.U.)', fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel('Wavelengths (cm-1)', fontsize = 14)

print('4 repetitions, identical result')
4 repetitions, identical result

print('what is the difference between different spectrometers measurements?')
plt.figure(figsize= (6,6))

plt.plot(df_KBR_FTIRspectra['labda'],df_KBR_FTIRspectra['icr042897'], label = 'Kbr') 
plt.plot(df_ZnSe_FTIRspectra['labda'],df_ZnSe_FTIRspectra['icr042897'], label = 'ZnSe') 
plt.plot(gb_htsxt_FTIRspectra['labda'],gb_htsxt_FTIRspectra['icr042897'], label = 'HTSXT') 

plt.title('Example different spectrometers')

plt.ylabel('Absorbance (A.U.)', fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel('Wavelengths (cm-1)', fontsize = 14)
what is the difference between different spectrometers measurements?
Text(0.5, 0, 'Wavelengths (cm-1)')

(2542, 1889)
labda icr033603 icr042897 icr049675 icr034693 icr033950 icr034794 icr015953 icr050394 icr048771 ... icr011182 icr073540 icr049437 icr037699 icr056181 icr055563 icr010159 icr074792 icr011321 icr062275
0 3998 0.908592 0.810133 0.711836 0.788686 0.752478 0.799947 0.819920 0.701762 0.854325 ... 0.741123 0.707601 0.735885 0.792272 0.784010 0.675416 0.859956 0.675066 0.807336 0.753118
1 3997 0.908981 0.809940 0.712355 0.789201 0.753251 0.801083 0.819910 0.702142 0.854623 ... 0.741535 0.707462 0.735881 0.793356 0.784840 0.675505 0.859586 0.675193 0.807802 0.753273
2 3996 0.909435 0.809745 0.713021 0.789494 0.753915 0.802259 0.820077 0.702510 0.854676 ... 0.741678 0.707289 0.735951 0.794496 0.785365 0.675546 0.859557 0.675159 0.808202 0.753584
3 3994 0.909956 0.809616 0.713747 0.789611 0.754423 0.803318 0.820496 0.702824 0.854543 ... 0.741524 0.707115 0.736090 0.795609 0.785554 0.675588 0.859890 0.674942 0.808552 0.754089
4 3993 0.910562 0.809566 0.714438 0.789634 0.754733 0.804114 0.821235 0.703081 0.854348 ... 0.741103 0.706966 0.736295 0.796670 0.785448 0.675682 0.860528 0.674554 0.808865 0.754796

5 rows × 1889 columns

- build unique dataset for FTIR
KBr_list = kbr_df.index.tolist()
ZnSe_list = ZnSe_df.index.tolist()
HTSXT_list = gb_htsxt.index.tolist()
print('samples tested with alpha-KBr', len(KBr_list))
print('samples tested with alpha-ZnSe', len(ZnSe_list))
print('samples tested with Tensor27', len(HTSXT_list))

print ("difference samples alpha spectrometers:",len(KBr_list) - len(ZnSe_list))
print ("difference samples alpha_kbr to tensor27 spectrometers:", len(KBr_list) - len(HTSXT_list))
samples tested with alpha-KBr 1888
samples tested with alpha-ZnSe 1835
samples tested with Tensor27 1839
difference samples alpha spectrometers: 53
difference samples alpha_kbr to tensor27 spectrometers: 49
diff_list1 = np.setdiff1d(KBr_list,ZnSe_list)
print("samples tested using the Alpha-KBr and not the Alpha-ZnSe spectrometer")
samples tested using the Alpha-KBr and not the Alpha-ZnSe spectrometer
diff_list_KBr = np.setdiff1d(HTSXT_list, KBr_list)
print("samples tested using the Tensor27 and not the Alpha-KBr spectrometer")
samples tested using the Tensor27 and not the Alpha-KBr spectrometer
mask_diff_kbr = kbr_df[kbr_df.index.isin(diff_list )]
mask_diff_znse = ZnSe_df[ZnSe_df.index.isin(diff_list )]
mask_diff_htsxt = gb_htsxt[gb_htsxt.index.isin(diff_list )]
print('KBr',len(mask_diff_kbr.index) ,'ZnSe', len(mask_diff_znse.index), 'HTSXT', len(mask_diff_htsxt.index))
KBr 1616 ZnSe 1616 HTSXT 1615
  • Most information from Alpha spectrometers and MPA is redundant. Tensor27 NIR peaks provide the same information for both MID and Near IR range

4. Wet chemistry

WET_CHEM_PATH1 = 'afsis/2009-2013/Wet_Chemistry/CROPNUTS/Wet_Chemistry_CROPNUTS.csv'

wet_chem_df = pd.read_csv(WET_CHEM_PATH1)#, usecols=columns_to_load)
elements = ['SSN','M3 Ca', 'M3 K', 'M3 Al', 'M3 P', 'M3 S', 'PH']
wet_chem_df = wet_chem_df[elements]

(1907, 7)
SSN M3 Ca M3 K M3 Al M3 P M3 S PH
0 icr006475 207.1 306.30 1095.0 4.495 18.960 4.682
1 icr006586 1665.0 1186.00 1165.0 12.510 13.600 7.062
2 icr007929 2518.0 72.57 727.6 21.090 14.810 7.114
3 icr008008 734.3 274.60 1458.0 109.200 11.400 5.650
4 icr010198 261.8 91.76 2166.0 3.958 5.281 5.501
WET_CHEM_PATH2 = 'afsis/2009-2013/Wet_Chemistry/RRES/Wet_Chemistry_RRES.csv'

#columns_to_load = elements + ['SSN']

wet_chem_df1 = pd.read_csv(WET_CHEM_PATH2)#, usecols=columns_to_load)
elements = ['SSN','pH', '%N', 'C % Org', 'ICP OES K mg/kg ', 'ICP OES P mg/kg ']
wet_chem_df1 = wet_chem_df1[elements]
wet_chem_df1 = wet_chem_df1.rename(columns={"%N": "Leco_N_ppm"})
wet_chem_df1['Leco_N_ppm'] = wet_chem_df1['Leco_N_ppm']*10000
Index(['SSN', 'pH', 'Leco_N_ppm', 'C % Org', 'ICP OES K mg/kg ',
       'ICP OES P mg/kg '],
SSN pH Leco_N_ppm C % Org ICP OES K mg/kg ICP OES P mg/kg
0 icr006454 7.85 800.0 0.94 8517.919223 96.575131
1 icr006455 8.03 600.0 0.70 10859.303780 117.423139
2 icr006474 5.01 500.0 0.57 1343.124117 87.040073
3 icr006475 4.57 500.0 0.47 1487.768795 83.555482
4 icr006492 6.78 900.0 0.98 2999.240760 150.936463
WET_CHEM_PATH3 = 'afsis/2009-2013/Wet_Chemistry/ICRAF/Wet_Chemistry_ICRAF.csv'
#elements = ['M3 Ca', 'M3 K', 'M3 Al']
#columns_to_load = elements + ['SSN']

wet_chem_df2 = pd.read_csv(WET_CHEM_PATH3)#, usecols=columns_to_load)
elements = ['SSN','Psa asand', 'Psa asilt','Psa aclay', 'Volfr', 'Awc1','Lshrinkpct', 'Acidified nitrogen',
       'Acidified carbon']
wet_chem_df2 = wet_chem_df2[elements]
wet_chem_df2['Acidified nitrogen'] = wet_chem_df2['Acidified nitrogen']*10000
wet_chem_df2 = wet_chem_df2.rename(columns={"Acidified nitrogen": "Flash2000_N_ppm"})

(1907, 9)
SSN Psa asand Psa asilt Psa aclay Volfr Awc1 Lshrinkpct Flash2000_N_ppm Acidified carbon
0 icr005928 90.993000 8.111667 0.896333 1.190000 0.070768 0.000000 296.21345 0.425854
1 icr005929 87.847000 11.416000 0.737000 1.192000 0.061710 5.000000 230.68986 0.263235
2 icr005946 94.408333 5.335333 0.256000 1.171280 0.115414 5.714286 313.39549 0.392983
3 icr005947 94.601333 5.239333 0.159000 1.198744 0.122856 0.000000 170.62043 0.233496
4 icr005965 90.015333 9.195667 0.789000 1.081575 0.100874 5.000000 831.45402 0.860801

5. Join and clean datasets

5.1 Elemental analysis

df_elements1 = pd.merge(left=wet_chem_df1, right=df_xrf_reduced, left_on='SSN', right_on='SSN')

df_elements2 = pd.merge(left=wet_chem_df2, right=df_elements1, left_on='SSN', right_on='SSN')

df_elements = pd.merge(left=wet_chem_df, right=df_elements2, left_on='SSN', right_on='SSN')

(467, 17)
(467, 25)
(467, 31)
Index(['SSN', 'M3 Ca', 'M3 K', 'M3 Al', 'M3 P', 'M3 S', 'PH', 'Psa asand',
       'Psa asilt', 'Psa aclay', 'Volfr', 'Awc1', 'Lshrinkpct',
       'Flash2000_N_ppm', 'Acidified carbon', 'pH', 'Leco_N_ppm', 'C % Org',
       'ICP OES K mg/kg ', 'ICP OES P mg/kg ', 'P', 'K', 'S', 'Ca', 'Mg', 'Cu',
       'Cl', 'Zn', 'Fe', 'Mn', 'Mo'],
SSN M3 Ca M3 K M3 Al M3 P M3 S PH Psa asand Psa asilt Psa aclay ... K S Ca Mg Cu Cl Zn Fe Mn Mo
0 icr006475 207.1 306.30 1095.000 4.495 18.960 4.682 97.848667 1.845333 0.306000 ... 12991.3 45.7 944.1 5575.0 13.0 210.2 22.0 12501.3 81.9 184.5
1 icr006586 1665.0 1186.00 1165.000 12.510 13.600 7.062 89.520000 9.553667 0.926333 ... 15173.5 45.7 9301.0 5519.1 18.4 152.6 38.5 24094.6 422.4 184.5
2 icr021104 258.7 35.25 441.400 4.424 3.608 5.522 89.950000 5.205000 4.845000 ... 6838.9 45.7 884.3 5575.0 2.8 229.5 2.3 2213.4 13.2 184.5
3 icr033622 11858.3 1156.00 108.286 31.233 25.460 8.583 91.445000 6.310000 2.245000 ... 15845.8 45.7 46529.1 33771.2 13.0 58.2 29.8 24135.0 460.4 184.5
4 icr006570 896.2 607.30 1151.000 5.986 20.080 6.661 97.789667 1.885000 0.325667 ... 12201.6 45.7 1790.1 5575.0 7.7 122.5 13.4 9135.1 132.6 184.5

5 rows × 31 columns

#check for possible negative values
for col in df_elements.columns.tolist()[1:]:
    if df_elements[col].dtype == np.float64:
         df_elements[col][df_elements[col] < 0] =np.nan

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df_elements[col][df_elements[col] < 0] =np.nan

merge geographical and chemical data

df_geoelements = pd.merge(left=df_elements, right=df_geo, left_on='SSN', right_on='SSN')

(467, 37)
Index(['SSN', 'M3 Ca', 'M3 K', 'M3 Al', 'M3 P', 'M3 S', 'PH', 'Psa asand',
       'Psa asilt', 'Psa aclay', 'Volfr', 'Awc1', 'Lshrinkpct',
       'Flash2000_N_ppm', 'Acidified carbon', 'pH', 'Leco_N_ppm', 'C % Org',
       'ICP OES K mg/kg ', 'ICP OES P mg/kg ', 'P', 'K', 'S', 'Ca', 'Mg', 'Cu',
       'Cl', 'Zn', 'Fe', 'Mn', 'Mo', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Cluster',
       'Depth', 'Country', 'Cultivated'],
SSN M3 Ca M3 K M3 Al M3 P M3 S PH Psa asand Psa asilt Psa aclay ... Zn Fe Mn Mo Latitude Longitude Cluster Depth Country Cultivated
0 icr006475 207.1 306.30 1095.000 4.495 18.960 4.682 97.848667 1.845333 0.306000 ... 22.0 12501.3 81.9 184.5 -6.088750 36.435982 2 sub Tanzania False
1 icr006586 1665.0 1186.00 1165.000 12.510 13.600 7.062 89.520000 9.553667 0.926333 ... 38.5 24094.6 422.4 184.5 -6.055750 36.457722 8 top Tanzania False
2 icr021104 258.7 35.25 441.400 4.424 3.608 5.522 89.950000 5.205000 4.845000 ... 2.3 2213.4 13.2 184.5 -8.049305 37.333698 14 sub Tanzania False
3 icr033622 11858.3 1156.00 108.286 31.233 25.460 8.583 91.445000 6.310000 2.245000 ... 29.8 24135.0 460.4 184.5 4.178087 38.261890 2 sub Ethiopia NaN
4 icr006570 896.2 607.30 1151.000 5.986 20.080 6.661 97.789667 1.885000 0.325667 ... 13.4 9135.1 132.6 184.5 -6.069970 36.464588 7 top Tanzania False

5 rows × 37 columns

geographical distribution of the selected samples

pd.value_counts(df_geoelements['Country'])'Measurements per country')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fd0c8193b20>

 #Draw map

m = folium.Map(location=[-3.5, 35.6], tiles="stamentoner", zoom_start=5)
for _, row in df_geoelements.iterrows():
    if row[['Latitude', 'Longitude']].notnull().all():



imputation of missing values

def replace_missings(data):
    # this replaces missings with medians
    # NOTE: mixed string num columns it does not do anything with
    for cols in data._get_numeric_data().columns:
        data[cols].fillna(value=data[cols].median(), inplace=True)


df_geoelements['Cultivated'] = df_geoelements['Cultivated'].fillna('unknown')
[False 'unknown' True]
[False 'unknown' True]


def detect_outliers(df, n, features):
    Takes a dataframe df of features and returns a list of the indices
    corresponding to the observations containing more than n outliers according
    to the Tukey method.
    outlier_indices = []

    # iterate over features(columns)
    for col in features:
        # 1st quartile (25%)
        Q1 = np.percentile(df[col], 25)
        # 3rd quartile (75%)
        Q3 = np.percentile(df[col], 75)
        # Interquartile range (IQR)
        IQR = Q3 - Q1

        # outlier step
        outlier_step = 3 * IQR

        # Determine a list of indices of outliers for feature col
        outlier_list_col = df[(df[col] < Q1 - outlier_step) | (df[col] > Q3 + outlier_step)].index

        # append the found outlier indices for col to the list of outlier indices 

    # select observations containing more than 1 outlier
    outlier_indices = Counter(outlier_indices)        

    return outlier_indices

# detect outliers from list of features
lof = ['M3 Ca', 'M3 K', 'M3 Al', 'M3 P', 'M3 S', 'PH', 'Psa asand',
       'Psa asilt', 'Psa aclay', 'Volfr', 'Awc1', 'Lshrinkpct', 'pH', 'Flash2000_N_ppm','Leco_N_ppm',
       'C % Org', 'ICP OES K mg/kg ', 'ICP OES P mg/kg ', 'P', 'K', 'S', 'Ca',
       'Mg', 'Cu', 'Cl', 'Zn', 'Fe', 'Mn', 'Mo']#, 
Outliers_to_drop = detect_outliers(df_geoelements, 1, lof)

print(len(Outliers_to_drop), 'outliers according to Tukey method')
if len(Outliers_to_drop)>50:
    print('loss of information would be too high if Tukey method would be applied')
209 outliers according to Tukey method
loss of information would be too high if Tukey method would be applied
df_chem = df_geoelements[lof]
df_chem_scaled =((df_chem -df_chem.min())/(df_chem.max()-df_chem.min()))*10

%matplotlib inline
plt.figure(figsize= (22,6))
box_plot_scaled = sns.boxplot( data= df_chem_scaled)
fig = box_plot_scaled.get_figure()
plt.ylabel("Scaled values")
fig.savefig("box.png", dpi= 100)

M3 Ca M3 K M3 Al M3 P M3 S PH Psa asand Psa asilt Psa aclay Volfr ... K S Ca Mg Cu Cl Zn Fe Mn Mo
count 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 ... 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000 467.000000
mean 1605.142957 186.569448 802.767263 10.296321 23.906516 6.133593 84.902406 8.056587 7.041254 1.050843 ... 11204.939829 77.834261 5092.092505 7004.122270 12.137473 190.165096 22.208351 22659.693362 316.650107 187.781370
std 2780.256854 303.097846 423.564349 22.179751 154.640351 1.151291 14.436237 5.750215 9.775127 0.161490 ... 13913.144061 467.413144 11339.284556 5675.704395 13.737260 1025.070888 25.877222 26454.053657 423.535962 48.287469
min 0.001000 5.110000 14.300000 0.001000 1.490000 4.000000 0.440000 0.000000 0.000000 0.644500 ... 90.400000 43.400000 69.700000 4032.600000 0.700000 19.700000 0.900000 729.900000 7.900000 184.500000
25% 236.800000 47.200000 446.543000 2.495000 4.732000 5.315000 83.500000 4.352500 2.375000 0.943500 ... 1917.350000 45.700000 344.750000 5575.000000 3.900000 52.550000 6.600000 6575.600000 67.650000 184.500000
50% 560.700000 82.200000 735.486000 4.495000 7.530000 5.950000 88.525000 6.710000 4.595000 1.050500 ... 5963.000000 45.700000 991.700000 5575.000000 8.000000 84.400000 15.200000 15149.100000 153.900000 184.500000
75% 1375.400000 181.900000 1130.000000 8.590500 12.300000 6.603000 92.545000 9.607500 7.640000 1.180000 ... 15435.750000 45.700000 3597.000000 5575.000000 15.100000 136.850000 28.550000 28039.050000 377.800000 184.500000
max 18510.000000 3432.000000 2444.000000 221.800000 2728.860000 9.860000 100.005000 35.555000 81.400000 1.429500 ... 106273.400000 9704.000000 89497.800000 51204.800000 110.300000 21557.400000 259.900000 222256.400000 3314.100000 1085.400000

8 rows × 29 columns

# export to csv
df_geoelements.to_csv( 'elemental_analysis_dataset.csv',index=False)

5.2 FTIR

df_FTIR_reindexed = df_KBR_FTIRspectra.set_index('labda')
mid_infrared_df = df_FTIR_reindexed.T.reset_index()
mid_infrared_df = mid_infrared_df.rename(columns={'index': 'SSN'})

I select only the sample that are in the compositional dataframe “geoelements”

The composition and FTIR dataframes have same sample numbers (SSN) column

Each infrared spectrum corresponds to an elemental analysis

complete_measurements_list = df_geoelements_reduced.SSN.tolist()
  • mid infrared
df_FTIRdata = mid_infrared_df[mid_infrared_df.SSN.isin(complete_measurements_list)]
(467, 2543)
df_FTIRdata.to_csv( 'middle_infrared_spectra_dataset.csv',index=False)
  • near infrared
df_FTIR_reindexed1 = df_NIR_FTIRspectra.set_index('labda')
near_infrared_df = df_FTIR_reindexed1.T.reset_index()
near_infrared_df = near_infrared_df.rename(columns={'index': 'SSN'})
# I select only the sample that are in the compositional dataframe "geoelements"

complete_measurements_list = df_geoelements_reduced.SSN.tolist()

df_FTIRdataM = near_infrared_df[near_infrared_df.SSN.isin(complete_measurements_list)]
df_FTIRdataM.to_csv( 'near_infrared_spectra_dataset.csv',index=False)
(467, 2543)